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What are the common printing methods

Now that packaging printing has been seen everywhere, do you know how packaging is printed? The following editor will take you to understand several printing methods:

1. The premier offset printing

In the color box printing industry, offset printing occupies a huge market share. This printing process has matured. The color box printed in this way has tight and flat graphics and no depressions or protrusions, and the blanks are on the same horizontal line. Moreover, this printing method is simple, inexpensive, easy to produce, exquisite graphics, and guaranteed quality.

2. Commonly used pre-printing

In addition to offset printing, another way of color box printing is pre-printing. This type of printing includes two technologies, namely flexographic and gravure, in which gravure is used relatively more frequently. The reason why pre-printing is popular is that the products it prints are very exquisite, and the quality of the box is high after it is shaped. Moreover, its production efficiency is very high, and paper can be changed continuously without stopping the machine.

3. New digital printing

With the advancing of color box printing, digital printing came into being. It can directly connect the graphics and texts in the computer to the paper, eliminating the plate-making link. Not only that, it can also customize cardboard with different contents according to different needs, and Julien's material can also be changed as desired.

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